ShopForArt Staff Picks – Dave D.

Albert Bierstadt, Art, Decor, Framing, ShopForArt,“My favorite find was the range of Albert Bierstadt prints available. I’ve been lucky enough to have lived and worked all over the country and have seen a number of his originals and visited most of the areas where he worked. My favorites include “Rocky Mountain Landscape” which I saw at the White House, “Lake Tahoe,” “Among the Sierra Nevada” which could have been the spot where my son and I panned for gold twenty five years ago and lastly “California Coast”.

Albert Bierstadt, Framing, Art, ShopForArt,        Albert Bierstadt, Art, Framing, Decor, ShopForArt,        Albert Bierstadt, Art, Framing, Decor, ShopForArt,

Just as I’ve always been impressed with the photography of Ansel Adams, given the era, I’ve been even more impressed with Bierstadt. Working with the tools of his generation and considering that many of his works were at least started if not finished under the primitive and harsh conditions of early exploration of the west.

I continue to go out of my way anytime I’m close enough to see his originals, but even high quality prints are a fair representation of his work.”

– Dave D., Vice President-Development


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